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The PSOE joins the claims of the FAMPA of the CEIP Lébor de Totana (29/05/2017)

Deputy Alfonso Martinez Bańos asks the Ministry that instead of suppressing units, promote the school to decongest other centers in the municipality that are saturated and prevent the depopulation of this rural area

The deputy of the Socialist Parliamentary Group Alfonso Martínez Bańos has succeeded in getting the Education Commission to approve a motion, with the abstention of the PP, in which he calls on the Ministry of Education and Universities to ensure that students enrolled in CEIP Lébor, Totana , Can finish their studies of the whole cycle of Infantil and Primaria.

The socialist deputy denounced that the Ministry did not inform the parents of the children enrolled before 2013 at the time of registration, because it was proposed later that their children were not able to finish their primary studies in it.

"Fathers and mothers were convinced when they enrolled their sons and daughters that this school guaranteed the continuity and stability of their students throughout their first school stage."

Therefore, it asks the Ministry to modify the CEIP Lébor to return to be a complete center, with Infant Education and the 2 sections of Primary Education, as it has been since its inauguration more than 50 years ago.

The socialist deputy explained that this hamlet of Totana came to have 800 inhabitants and although there is an evident rural depopulation and now does not reach 600, does not justify that the Ministry deletes units, justifying that it is a center with few children and few Inscriptions.

Martinez Bańos denies this and says that this year there have been 8 new registrations (7 for Children and one for Primary), and parents are convinced that this number would be greater if all the courses for Children and Primary are offered.

On the other hand, "he added," the students who do not finish their stage in this center will increase the high ratios of other schools in Totana, which is a problem because since almost none have places.

From the Socialist Parliamentary Group and the AMPA believe that, since there are facilities with a very good equipment and infrastructure, and only need to adapt the electrical power to the needs of the center, it would be good to give the opportunity to To know and to promote the school so that it completes of students and at the same time they are descongestionen other centers of Totana.

The socialist deputy showed his surprise at the abstention of the PP, given that the popular deputy Juan Pagan, who was a peddler of Lébor, "has not come to face the Assembly, despite the fact that in its day it had an impact on the need to Improve that center and today his group has not supported this motion that affects his people. "


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