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Totana present at the X Congress of Official Chroniclers of the Region of Murcia held last Saturday in Mula (29/05/2017)

Totana was present at the X Congress of Official Chroniclers of the Region of Murcia that was held last Saturday, May 27, in the city of Mula, and was attended by the official chronicler of this locality, professor and researcher Juan Cánovas Mulero.

The event was inaugurated with the presence of Ricardo Montes Bernárdez, president of the Association of Writers of the Region, the mayor of Mula, Juan Jesus Moreno, and the president of the Federation of Music Bands of the Region of Murcia, Ginesa Zamora.

Throughout the day the chroniclers participated in several presentations and were able to discuss the association's trajectory, future projects and its role in the identity, memory and trajectory of towns and cities.

The event concluded with a concert offered by a quintet of metal instruments, by members of the Municipal Band of Mula.

The chronicler of Totana, Juan Cánovas Mulero, attended the Congress in which the value of the chronicler of Totana Mateo García Martínez who was unable to attend the meeting was taken into account.

In the context of the congress the presentation of the monographic volume entitled History of the Music Bands of the Region of Murcia was presented, which is a publication that along its 638 pages offers a documented documentary and graphic journey through the trajectory Of these musical entities, for their protagonism and presence in the life of the Murcia.

It also includes a contribution of the trajectory of the Municipal Band of Music of Totana from its origin in the decade of 1878 to the present, whose volume can be consulted in the Municipal Library of Totana and in the Municipal Archive.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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