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The 22nd stay friends of the mountain "Kasi Ná Trail" took place by roads and trails of the Regional Park of Sierra Espuña (29/05/2017)

On the morning of Sunday, May 28, the Group of Friends of the Mountain "Kasi Ná Trail" prepared a new monthly stay for the roads and trails of the Regional Park of Sierra Espuña.

For this occasion, the KNT carried out a 15.5km journey in which areas such as the aqueducts of the Canales del Taibilla, the Water Path, the Paleto Path or the Thousand Curves were crossed.

Around 8:15 began the route during which the good atmosphere and enjoyment of the mountain was the predominant note in the little more than two hours that invested in completing the route.

Following this, as the tradition also commands, the KNT renewed forces in the Holy See and from which the next meeting took place in the middle of June.

Source: KNT

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