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The City of Totana adds to the claims of the collective LGTB (28/05/2017)

The Plana of Totana City Council last Thursday unanimously approved the joint motion of the groups PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU, to contribute, in the powers that are proper to the Consistory, to the development and implementation of all measures provided for in The legislation in force, against all discrimination based on orientation, sexual identity and family diversity, with the aim of eradicating from society any type of homophobia in the family, school, work, social and political.

The corporations also agreed to contribute to the development and implementation of the LGTBI Regional Law on Equality, as well as to recognize the decisive contribution of all those people and groups that have been defending for decades the rights of lesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals;

And this year, especially, to LGTB teenagers.

The initiative included reading a manifesto of support to the LGBT groups and placing the rainbow flag on the balcony of the City of Totana, in support of the collective during the week of the celebrations of pride LGTB.

Likewise, the website and social networks of the City Council will establish as a header image or profile the LGTB flag together or on the institutional shield.

In addition, it was approved to establish, from the municipal institution, relations with different LGTB groups to encourage formative talks, playful actions or cultural content, as well as to monitor the defense against discrimination of any kind in our municipality.

Also, it was decided to carry out, from the Department of Sports, awareness initiatives in sports schools, along with clubs and associations, aimed at promoting tolerance due to cases of LGTbophobia in sport.

Lastly, it was agreed to urge the regional government to carry out the necessary normative developments for the full implementation of Law 8/2016, especially those concerning the health field and protocols in the field of education regarding transsexual students and the elimination of The discriminations in the centers, which should be in place for the next course, to be developed in collaboration with the collective and health and educational community.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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