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A new list of administrative clauses is approved to take over the lease of the tourist complex of the hotel and rural houses of La Santa (27/05/2017)

The plenary of the City Council of Totana has agreed, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, Win Totana-IU and the mayor not attached and abstention of the PP, approve the new list of administrative clauses that is more attractive and feasible to take over the lease The tourist complex of the hotel and rural houses of La Santa.

The corporations returned to address last Thursday, as already happened last January, the proposal of the Councilor for Finance and Contracting, Ana María Cánovas, in relation to the parameters that will govern the new lease of this tourist space located next to To the sanctuary of the Patron of Totana.

The Consistory totanero wants to streamline the administrative procedure in order to facilitate the management of potential bidders and award the service for its use and hotel operation as soon as possible, after the previous manager closed its doors in February last year.

The duration of the contract is 20 years and if the company shows that it has incurred losses from the sixth year it could terminate the contract by giving notice to the City Council six months in advance, according to the mayor of Contratación.

The contract, which has a maximum grace period of 42 months, will be awarded by open procedure;

And the farm includes the Plaza de la Cruz and terraces that are delimited by railings for the possible installation of terrace and outdoor celebrations.

Proposals may be submitted within 15 days of their publication in the BORM in the registry of the entrance of the Citizen Service (SAC) of the City of Totana or by ordinary mail communicated the data of the shipment to the Department of Recruitment.

In addition, once awarded, a commission will be created to monitor the contract, which will be composed of two representatives of the City and two by the company awarded.

Tenderers must provide a provisional guarantee of € 3,000 and a definitive one, once the contract is awarded, of € 26,400 (one year of fixed income), respectively.

The weighting of the valuation and selection criteria has changed, since what is most valued on this occasion in this contract are investments.

The start of the contract is expected to take six months when the hotel activity begins, so that in the meantime investments can be put into operation bar-cafeteria services.

The hotel complex had until its closure the category of four stars and counted on a hotel of 35 rooms and also seven rural houses.

The category of the hotel and rural houses until the end of its activity (February 2016) has been four stars and has rooms of different categories.

It is located seven kilometers from the town of Totana, in the regional park of Sierra Espuña, next to the architectural set of the hermitage of the Patron of Totana, Santa Eulalia de Mérida;

And is erected on an old monastery of the sixteenth century.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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