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The Plenary urges the Government of Spain to the prompt reception of the Syrian refugees Who promised to receive from the fields of Greece (26/05/2017)

The plenary of the City Council of Totana last night unanimously approved the proposal of the Mayor to urge the Government of Spain to the prompt reception of Syrian refugees who promised to receive from the fields of Greece.

The motion also included a significant streamlining of the process of transferring refugees to Spain through their relocation and resettlement so that the commitments agreed by the European Union to accommodate the 17,337 refugee asylum seekers in our country.

In addition, the Mayor's motion was unanimously approved to reaffirm the solidarity and institutional support of the City of Totana with the Saharawi people in their struggle for their legitimate rights for self-determination.

It was also included in the agreement to urge the Government of Spain to continue to defend the peace plan before the UN, reiterating that the problem of Western Sahara is an unfinished process of decolonization that must be solved in accordance with international law.

Similarly, it was approved to demand respect for human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, and the immediate release of the 25 political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, who were tried by a Moroccan military court in February 2013 and condemned to strong Penalties ranging from 20 years to life imprisonment.

The corporations approved, with the votes in favor of the PP and Ganar Totana-IU, the abstention of the PSOE and against the mayor not attached, the Mayor's proposal on conclusions of the Commission of Inquiry concerning the allegations of the General Municipal Plan Ordinance (PGMO).

The councilors agreed, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, Ganar Totana-IU and the non-attached mayor and abstention of the PP, approve the new contract lease of the hotel resort and rural houses of La Santa.

It was agreed to nominate a street in the municipality of Totana with the name of Andrés Hernández Ros for concurring in all the qualities and merits that make it worthy of this honor and distinction;

And to register extract of the agreement in the book register of honorary distinctions of the Corporation.

Political motions groups

The joint motion of the PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU was also unanimously approved to contribute to the development and application of all the measures provided for in the current legislation against any discrimination based on orientation , Sexual identity and family diversity, with the aim of eradicating from our society any type of homophobia in the family, school, work, social and / or political environment.

A unanimous green light was given to the PP's motion to urge the Government of the Nation to carry out, if necessary, any necessary changes in the definition of the axes of the IRPF tax And of the activities of general interest considered of social interest to include the investigation of different diseases, provided that it does not suppose a reduction for the options already established in said allocation.

The municipal corporation unanimously approved the motion of the PP - with an amendment of addition of the PSOE - to propose to the Regional Government to be extended an hour a week the subject of Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Education.

Likewise, with the votes in favor of the PP, the PSOE and the non-attached councilman and the abstention of Ganar Totana-IU, the motion of the PP to urge the Government of the Nation to create a Public Water Bank Which will allow the concessions between Cuencas and also favor the contracts of cession or centers of exchange between Communities of Irrigators, which will help to alleviate the situation of severe drought that we are living.

The councilors unanimously approved the motion of the PSOE - with an amendment of the PP - urge the Ministry of Health to implement during the months of July and August 2017 an "exceptional" shock plan based on the The hiring of new medical staff during the summer months and the maintenance of the use of operating theaters, consultations and plants traditionally closed at Rafael Méndez during the summer period, so that scheduled operations and specialist consultations are not suspended during the summer months. Months.

In this regard, it was also agreed to urge the Ministry of Health to immediately resolve the problem arising from the malfunctioning of the system of citation of medical specialties in Area III Health.

Likewise, the motion of the Socialist Group was unanimously approved to request the General Directorate of Highways to proceed with the immediate repair of the road sign RM-503 (Bullas-Aledo) as it passes through the municipality of Totana.

The Plenum approved, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, PP and Ganar Totana-IU and the abstention of the non-attached mayor, the motion of Ganar Totana-IU to publicly defend the Housing Law of the PAH with its corresponding five demands with the To cope with the housing emergency;

And to demand from the State Government and all parliamentary groups in Congress the introduction and legislation of the proposals contained in the PAH Housing Law.

Another motion by Ganar Totana-IU, unanimously approved, includes requiring the Segura Hydrographic Confederation to adopt urgent measures to prohibit the discharge of industrial or urban waste water into the Guadalentín River;

For which extraordinary and urgent measures are requested to regenerate the river bed and the adaptation of the steps in the districts of Lébor and Raiguero, which have been destroyed and offer an imminent danger.

Finally, a motion was unanimously approved by Ganar Totana-IU that the Town Hall to join the claims of the Pro-Underground Platform in Murcia, requiring ADIF to invest in the improvement of RENFE services in the Cercanías And improving the service of the Murcia-Aguilas line, eliminating the current delays and improving the trains that today streak the third world by obsolete.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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