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Non-attached councilman Juan Carlos Carrillo takes office in the Municipal Corporation (26/05/2017)

Juan Carlos Carrillo Ruiz took office last night of his position as councilman of the Municipal Corporation of Totana in the course of holding the ordinary plenary meeting in May replacing the former spokesman and sole councilor of the Municipal Citizens-Citizenship Party, Asensio Soler Campoy.

This one had presented several weeks ago its resignation to the act of councilman in the City council of Totana "by strictly personal reasons".

The plenary agenda included, in point number three, the inauguration of the position of councilman of the City of Totana to the new mayor.

Carrillo Ruiz joins the Municipal Corporation as a councilor not attached to the fact that he does not currently belong to the Citizens-Party Citizenship political formation.

The new corporate, who is 43 years old and retired military, was the number two member in the candidacy with which this political formation concurred to the municipal elections of 2015.

The new non-attached councilman swore also being accompanied during the act by the non-attached councilman of the City of Murcia, Javier Trigueros, who left precisely this week the municipal group of Citizens in the capital of Segura.

For his part, Soler Campoy was the only councilor of C's in the current municipal corporation and the first who had represented this political formation in the City of Totana after the last municipal elections.

This is the second councilman of the Municipal Corporation that has left his councilman, after the mayor of the Municipal People's Group, José María Sánchez Pascual, who resigned at the end of April last year, leaving his place To María Isabel Rubio Peña.

Asensio Soler Campoy was in opposition since June 2015 that started the new legislature, which includes the eight councilors of the PP and the only Citizen-Citizens Party.

The Municipal Corporation of Totana is made up of 21 councilors, of whom 6 are from Ganar Totana-Izquierda Unida, 6 from the Socialist Party, 8 from the Partido Popular and 1 from C's-Partido de la Ciudadanía.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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