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City officials attending the Mass in recognition and tribute to the Father José Giner Crespo, better known as "Father Lucas" (05/07/2010)

The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, and María Josefa Sánchez Méndez mayors, María José Bedia and Trini Cayuela, attended the Mass in recognition and tribute to the father José Giner Crespo, better known as "Father Luke" for his 50 years as Franciscan priest.

During the homily, which was held at the Convent of the Three Hail Marys, the Franciscans in good work and dedication to the town of Totana of the father during the years he has performed his work in this county.

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Foster Child Record

Local Corporation adopted unanimously at the June meeting, a motion of Mayor through which the file will begin granting the title Adopted Son of the City.

This initiative, which emerged from the Neighborhood Council of the hamlet of El Paretón-totanera Cantareros in appreciation of the nearly 26 years of dedication and religious in this county, intended to give this award to Father Lucas, and concur in his person all the qualities and merits that make it worthy of this honor and distinction, precisely marking the 50 anniversary of the Franciscan priest.


Father Lucas was born in the town of L'Olleria Valencia, and is now head pastor of the church of Our Lady of the Rosary "in The Paretón-Cantareros and" San Juan Evangelista "in the deputation of Canadas Mazarron Romero.

He reached the town of Totana in 1984 after being ordained, and say mass in his hometown and teach in different religious schools.

He studied at the Seminary of Orihuela (Alicante) and graduated in Theology from the University of Granada, before teaching in the schools of San Lorenzo in Masamagrell (Valencia) and San Buenaventura de Murcia.

Later, he began his pastoral career in the Three Hail Marys Convent and San Buenaventura de Totana.

The large human size and the pastoral work that the priest has promoted over the years in bringing together the two parish churches "Our Lady of the Rosary, both in the villages of El Paretón and Cantareros, respectively, have provided a great affection and affection from the community of devotees in this area of the municipality, as the mayor of Totana.

As a pastor and as a religious, has made tireless efforts for the benefit of this rural area and totanera society, and has always sought to encourage the participation of the faithful in parish affairs in the district.

In recent years, moreover, according to the city councilman, has promoted institutional collaboration with the town of Totana under collaboration agreements for the maintenance of existing infrastructure in the parish-Cantareros Paretón.

At this time, we have undertaken major projects in the district as the rehabilitation work of the shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Cantareros and new parish halls built in the adjacent areas, which were opened on August 1, 2008 and which consisted mainly in the original restoration of the chapel in three distinct phases, dating from the temple dates back to 1728.

Since then they have improved the religious stays in the village with new worship halls, stays thrones, parish halls with spaces communicated to the temple, among others, and has developed a voluminous parish activity.

In addition, Martínez Andreo said the boost given by Father Lucas in order to recover the cultural heritage and historical documentary of the hamlet, and its valuable work of historical research with its publication "First anniversary parish of Our Lady of the Rosary the Provincial Rural Cantareros Totana Paretón and 1909-2009. "

Similarly, there are many achievements and work of Father Lucas for our people from the parish of Our Lady of the Three Hail Marys and San Buenaventura de Totana, in a life devoted to the Church, His Order and largely as many other religious, the town of Totana and its people.

The will of the Father Lucas collaborator with the various social groups in this hamlet has constantly shown its responsiveness to the community of El Paretón-Cantareros.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: Totana.com

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