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Delivery of food collected in the solidarity campaign promoted by the Municipal Library "Mateo García" for Caritas of both parishes (26/05/2017)

The Councilor for Culture, Eulalia Moreno, has delivered to the representatives of Caritas in the parishes of Santiago and the Three Hail Marys of all food collected in the Municipal Library "Mateo Garcia" on the occasion of the solidarity campaign promoted by this service with reason Of the Book Day activities program.

The Council organized a wide range of events throughout April in order to commemorate the Book Day, which is celebrated every year on April 23rd, and among which was this solidarity initiative, which was already celebrated with great success Also last year.

The initiative, which took place from April 3 to May 4, consisted of library users who provided non-perishable food with a duplicate fund book of this public service.

The representatives of Cáritas of the two parishes, Rafael Hostench and Pedro Vélez Rubio, received these resources, basically lots of food and hygiene products that the teams of volunteers will deliver among the families in need in the municipality.

At present, as they explained, Cáritas de Santiago serves about 300 host families, while Caritas del Convento does so with about 800.

Both reiterated the gratitude of the Department of Culture for this initiative and thanked all users of the library their contribution to collaborate with families living in Totana who have fewer resources and greater economic difficulties.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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