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The 4th solidarity parade of lingerie and bath for the benefit of AFACMUR (26/05/2017)

The Association of Families of Children with Cancer of the Region of Murcia (AFACMUR) will organize next June 2, at 22:00 hours, a new solidarity parade of lingerie and bath for the benefit of this organization, the fourth The last years, in which will be presented the collection of Verano'2017 of the establishment "Isabel Martinez Lingerie".

The Councilor for Culture, Eulalia Moreno, and representatives of AFACMUR in Totana, Rita Munuera, Isabel Martinez and María Romero, presented this initiative that will take place in the auditorium of the municipal park "Marcos Ortiz" and which seeks to raise funds for this association.

The show will feature the musical performances of "Pigmalion Effect" and Tony Blaya, singer of "La Mundial".

The entrance has a symbolic collaboration price of three euros and the activity has the collaboration of Totana City Hall, Dance School "Step by Step", "Ana Garro Estilista", "Riquelme Florists" and the MOVE Chari Dance School Ruiz.

Participants will present garments of the prestigious designer Dolores Cortés who kindly cedes these for this event;

And during the show the artist Tony Blaya will present his latest single and video clip.

Tickets will go on sale at the establishment "Isabel Martinez Lingerie" and at the City of Totana.

Last year, the association raised a total of 5,842 euros, which were allocated in full to support the activities and programs developed by this association with sick children, such as hospital support, school attendance, play activities in the Pediatric Oncohematology Unit and other out-of-hospital units Which aim to normalize the lives of patients.

This association was born in 1996 on the initiative of the parents of sick children and counts in Totana with numerous volunteers and partners;

And has been developing psychological and social care, such as information and management of resources and benefits, reception and first information;

Emotional Support;

Information, guidance and counseling;

Coordination with other community services;

And educational care with entertaining activities, among others.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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