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MCT makes next Monday, May 29, maintenance and cleaning of the distribution of potable water of the Rulo (26/05/2017)

The Commonwealth of the Channels of Taibilla, responsible for the operation of the potable water reservoirs of the Rulo, makes this Monday, May 29, maintenance and cleaning work from 8:00 hours and with a duration of approximately 10 hours .

This operation supposes the closure of the deposit, which forces the Municipal Water Service to perform various network reconnection operations by opening and closing several valves so that the supply of drinking water to the urban center of Totana is not affected by the cut From the indicated tank.

However, this situation may lead to small deficiencies in the potable water service due to variations in pressure and low flow rate, without this resulting in a total lack of supply to the subscribers.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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