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PP: "The disastrous organization of this government team condemns again Paretón in the reduction of the service of attention to the citizen" (26/05/2017)

The Paretón sees how this Government Team, PSOE + IU-Ganar Totana, instead of facilitating and improving the quality of life of the neighbors cuts the services that are provided in the Pedanía, reducing to a single day the Citizen Attention Service Which was carried out by the City Council.

The neighbors of the Paretón again feel the negligence in which this Government Team has condemned to the Pedanía.

The nefarious organization of the Government Covenant Team leaves the Paretón with a single day in the Citizen Service.

Once again, Paretón is again condemned for the disastrous management that this Team of Misrule is carrying out in the Town Hall of Totana, in this case, and as we warned this week and last night was corroborated by the Councilor Ramtrudis Ruiz, The Paretón sees as the Citizen Service Service, which is offered in the Pedanía, has reduced its schedule reducing to a single day the attention that the neighbors receive at the Social Center of Paretón by the City.

The Service consists of bringing to the neighbors of the Pedanías, both the Paretón and those close to it, the Citizen Assistance Service that is given in the City, to facilitate the neighbors and avoid that to present any kind of documentation before The Administrations must move to the People.

This service was established the last legislature of the Popular Party, in which it was the Administration that approached the neighbors and not the neighbors to the Administration, a service that greatly improved the quality of life of the neighbors avoiding the displacement to Totana for Register or submit any type of documentation to the Administrations.

We also want to remind the neighbors that during that legislature, in which Isabel Mª Sánchez Ruiz was the mayor of Totana, not only was the SAC moved, but it was the Mayor herself who, on Friday mornings, accompanied by Councilors or City Council, directly attended to the neighbors of the Pedanía, demonstrating in this way that for the Popular Party all the neighbors of Totana counted equally.

Excuses of bad payer is the only thing that this Government Team knows how to reduce to a single day the attention to the neighbors of Paretón, blaming, as always, the previous team of government of the PP, but from here we have to remember To the neighbors that the previous legislature the Popular Party went through a much worse situation than the current rulers are going through, and that it did not reduce the attention paid to the neighbors of the Paretón, not only in relation to this service but In the attention and care of the Pedanía, because we remember again that during these last weeks after the complaints made the Popular Party was carried out the cleaning of the gardens of the Pedanía.

We wish from the Popular Party that the current Government Team of the PSOE and IU-GANAR TOTANA Pact, do not continue with this neglect over the parish of Paretón and the rest of the Municipality.

Source: PP Totana

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