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The PP proposes an increase of one hour more a week of physical education in primary and secondary (25/05/2017)

The Popular Party of Totana proposes to the Plenum of the Municipal Corporation to be held on Thursday 25th, to approve and raise this request to the Regional Government to extend an hour a week the subject of Physical Education in the Primary and Secondary stages.

This proposal is due to a claim of the group of EF teachers concerned about the health of our students.

In the last years we have been able to verify that the problems of sedentarism have increased and of not having good healthy habits on the part of our school population.

There are more and more cases of health problems due to poor exercise and a sedentary lifestyle.

There are many studies, authors and institutions that demonstrate in this sense and it is our obligation to provide measures to improve the health of our students.

"Physical education is the most effective means of providing all children and young people with skills, attitudes, attitudes, values, knowledge and understanding for their participation in society throughout their lives" (Berlin Declaration, 2013).

It is necessary to give to Physical Education the importance that it has for the integral development of the child and as prevention of the sedentarism and the obesity.

Therefore, it is vital that this importance be recognized in the school curriculum, significantly increasing its teaching load on schedule.

Two weekly sessions of 60 minutes are insufficient for this purpose.

Our duty is to provide mechanisms that provide an improvement in the health of our students.

Increasing days of exercise at school.

In this way we provide our students with healthy habits such as physical exercise, balanced nutrition and correct adoption of hygiene habits and postural health ...

The World Health Organization (WHO) establishes about school physical activity, which is a key factor in defining the terms of policies to counter obesity.

By increasing one hour per week in EF We will improve the health of our students, fighting against sedentarism in school and against childhood obesity.

Source: PP Totana

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