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The course on "Dynamization of free-time activities for children and young people" is inaugurated (25/05/2017)

The Councilor for Economic Development, Development and Employment of the City of Totana, Antonia Camacho, has inaugurated the course "Dynamization of children and youth educational leisure activities" to be taught at the Center for Sociocultural "La Cárcel".

This training course, aimed at young people from 16 to 29 years of age who are beneficiaries of a youth guarantee, has a duration of 310 hours, 160 hours of which will be internships in existing sector companies in the municipality.

The course has been awarded to the City of Totana by the Employment and Training Service of the Region of Murcia (SEF) also counting on the co-financing of the European Social Fund (ESF), and this subsidy amounting to 10,500 euros.

With this training the 15 students, at the end of the same, will obtain a certification, with which they can choose to develop their professional activity in companies dedicated to leisure and free time, summer schools, camps, youth hostels and classrooms and nature schools .

Finally, the mayor recalled the importation of training for young people, with the aim of improving their employability, remembering that for more information about this course as well as other topics of training and employment, just call the Center Local Development, to the telephone 968 425 003, or to go directly to Huertos Nuevos Street, 5 in the industrial estate "El Saladar" Totana.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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