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The Regional Hemodonation Center will make extractions at the City Hall next June 16 (25/05/2017)

On Friday, June 16, from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm, a day of blood donation will be held in the plenary hall of the City Council of Totana, promoted by the Department of Health in collaboration with the Regional Hemodonation Center.

This solidarity initiative aims to improve the blood resources of hospitals in the autonomous community, which is aimed at the staff of municipal workers and public employees, members of the municipal corporation and neighbors in general who want to collaborate with it.

A mobile team with the necessary health operations will move that day to the plenary hall of the Consistory for five hours to care for blood donors and anyone who wants to become a bone marrow donor.

The Councilor for Health, Isabel María Molino, encourages the usual neighbors and donors to participate in this day open to the general public and, especially, to the younger age group, between 18 and 30 years, as well as to the Donors of all types of blood in general and to all social groups.

The requirements to donate blood are to be in the range of age between 18 and 65 years, weigh more than 50 kilograms and be in good health, so that with the DNI can be made blood donation.

For her part, the council stressed the need to participate in this day and other calls and explained that what you want from your department is to promote these habits in the municipality, where there are already many residents aware of this cause, as it is From annual statistics.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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