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A minute's silence in a sign of revulsion at the terrorist attack in Manchester (24/05/2017)

Municipal officials, public employees and neighbors in general have kept a symbolic minute of silence in a sign of revulsion and mourning for the terrorist attack in Manchester last Monday night, and in solidarity with the victims and wounded of this violent act.

The initiative was held at the doorstep of the totanero Consistory and was attended by the mayor, Juan Jose Cánovas, the first deputy mayor, Andrés García, and representatives of the Municipal Corporation totanera.

The City Council of Totana has wished to show its strongest revulsion against the barbarism and unreason of violence, in protest of this terrorist act that has once again stained the continent of pain and rage.

The mayor wanted to send a message of solidarity with the English people and, above all, he advocated that democratic values ​​and the power of dialogue should not be extinguished.

In addition, the flags wave at half-mast on the main facade of the Consistory totanero as testimony of the pain, and following the provision of the Presidency of the Government, until ten o'clock this Thursday.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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