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The Ordinary Plenary of May includes the inauguration of the new councilor of the City of Totana, Juan Carlos Carrillo Ruiz (24/05/2017)

The ordinary plenary session for May includes tomorrow (20:00 hours), among other matters, the inauguration of the position of councilman of the City of Totana Juan Carlos Carrillo Ruiz, who replaced the mayor Asensio Soler Campoy, who presented his Resignation last April.

In addition, the Mayor's resolution on settlement of the 2016 budget and the proposal of the Councilor of Finance to modify the percentages to be applied in balances of dubious collection when preparing the settlement of the municipal budgets will be realized.

Also will be discussed the proposal of the Councilor for Citizen Participation on an instructor to nominate a street in the municipality of Totana under the name of Andrés Hernández Ros, who was president of the Autonomous Community of Murcia.

The agenda includes the proposal of the Councilor for Finance and Procurement on approval of the new draft of the lease of the Hotel and Rural Houses of La Santa.

Likewise, the Mayor's proposal on the conclusions of the Commission of Inquiry concerning the allegations of the General Municipal Plan of Ordination will be approached.

Likewise, there are proposals from the Mayor's Office to show institutional support for the political prisoners of Gdeim Izik and solidarity with the Saharawi people in their struggle for their legitimate rights of self-determination;

And another to urge the Government of Spain to the prompt reception of Syrian refugees committed from the fields of Greece.

Municipal political groups

The corporate will debate the joint motion of Ganar Totana-Iu and PSOE on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Pride LGTB (Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual and Bisexual.

The Municipal People's Group has submitted several motions to include in the income statement the free designation to make a contribution that goes to the scientific investigation of diseases, to request the regional government to extend an hour a week the subject of Physical Education In the Primary and Secondary stages, and ask the Government of Spain to create a public water bank to mitigate the water deficit.

The Municipal Socialist Group has issued motions for urgent measures to alleviate waiting lists for the first consultation of specialists and surgical interventions in the hospital "Rafael Méndez", and to request the General Directorate of Roads to prepare and repair the RM-503 (Bullas-Aledo), passing through the municipality of Totana.

Lastly, the mocionar of the Ganar Totana-IU Municipal Group on the defense of the Housing Law of the PAH with its corresponding five demands to face the housing emergency, will demand the CHS the immediate cessation of the discharges to the river Guadalentín and the regeneration of its channel and the steps in Totana, and to support the demands of the Platform Pro-Underground AVE in Murcia and the demand to ADIF to improve the services of Renfe Cercanías.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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