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Kids Series return, scoring for regional MTB championship (23/05/2017)

Last Saturday, May 20, the Kids Series returned, scoring for the regional MTB championship organized by the FCRM. This time they were held in La Campana, district of Lorca, with the hand of our fellow CC Bicicilocura and Caillos Bike, companions Which like our school, Terra Sport Cycling, fight day by day for the base cycling of this region, so that this sport, continue instilling its noble values ​​and continue giving us so many joys.

On this occasion, the hardness of the circuit was not given by the distance, not by the abruptness of the terrain, but by the sun of justice that fell, at an inadequate hour (17:00), according to our criteria for a test of Children, where they surpassed the 30º centigrade of temperature, which conclude with the abandonment of several participating children.

As we have been repeating in all our articles, "our motto", the important thing is not the results nor the podiums, but the joy and fun of the children, but we can not go past, without reference, since it fills us with satisfaction And pride, we talk to our runner Diego Cervantes Andanuche, born in Totana and joined our Terra Sport Cycling school in October last year, which has been participating in the Kids Series for the first time since the beginning of the season, In the category Promises, obtaining in this test, a deserved second position, which consolidates him as second classified, in general to regularity at regional level.

From here we send him, and the esteemed collaboration of his parents, our most grateful thanks, and like the rest of the children and parents, who form the family, the school of cycling, to put each one's little bit of sand, to To be able to carry the name of our school, to that level, in our first year of activity.

Source: Terra Sport Cycling

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