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A night guided tour of the Church's Tower is celebrated on the occasion of the International Museum Day (23/05/2017)

The Council of Tourism of the City of Totana, in collaboration with the Church of Santiago and the unconditional help of the official chronicler of the city, Juan Cánovas Mulero, celebrated the first night visit to the Tower of Santiago, framed in the program "Totana Cultural" And to commemorate the International Day of Museums.

The participants were able to enjoy and know the contents and curiosities so interesting that each of the rooms of the museum encloses until reaching the most expected that was to delight with the views and panoramic that is enjoyed from the highest point of the center of the town.

Likewise, the Department reminds that you can visit the Museum of the Tower every Saturday, at 10:00 am, under prior registration in person at the Tourist Office located in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja, by telephone 968418153 Or in the mail turismo@totana.es

The Council also offers visits to the site of La Bastida (every weekend), in the "Heart of Sierra Espuña", "Vive La Santa" and "Know Totana from the Tower of Santiago" to make known the cultural resources And tourist attractions with the locality.

All prior registration is required.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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