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Organize a Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Experiences in the Totana Business Center (23/05/2017)

The Department of Industry and Economic Development of the City of Totana, together with COPEDECO and with the collaboration of PROINVITOSA, have organized a "Day on Entrepreneurship" that will take place tomorrow Wednesday, May 24, at 10:00 am in the Nursery of Companies, VIVEM, located in the industrial estate "El Saladar" Totana.

This day has two parts, a first that will be a talk about the tools and resources for self-employment and a second in which several entrepreneurs installed in the nursery of companies will expose their successful entrepreneurial experiences.

In addition will be the participation of the Moto3 rider, Juanfran Guevara, who will also intervene to expose his experience of entrepreneurship, effort and improvement.

This action is part of the European REM initiative which seeks to provide a specialized resource for technical assistance to encourage and facilitate access to the labor market, either through the creation of companies or by joining a job for hire or reward .

The objectives to be achieved with the awareness and awareness of the entrepreneurship of the population at risk of exclusion, the generation of a favorable environment for the creation of different types of companies through innovation and entrepreneurship, facilitate the first steps of the ideas And encourage and support the creation and consolidation of businesses and employment.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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