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"The Paretón also exists" (21/05/2017)

"The Paretón also exists", from the Popular Party we want to express our sadness by the neglect in which this Government Team of the pact has plunged to the Parteria of Paretón.

Many neighbors have approached Councilors and sympathizers of the PP to express their indignation for the state in which are the parks and gardens of Paretón as well as many other services.

During the past week the City of Cantareros was cleaned by the City Council thanks to complaints in social networks that had made this Party, following repeated complaints from neighbors.

In addition we have also verified that these complaints have been transferred to the City in writing and they were not met.

It is palpable that this Government Team does not govern for all Totana neighbors alike and keeps the districts forgotten without carrying out actions that are requested by the neighbors of the same.

From the Popular Party we will continue to claim and be the voice of the neighbors because for this group each and every one of Totana's neighbors counts equally.

Last days we denounced the state of the gardens of the Cantareros and today we do it with the garden of the School of Music of the Paretón, place to which neighbors and children are approached daily and they find an unfortunate state the same.

This is the Team of misrule, the team that does not have a road map and does everything "tun tun".

They are immersed in their internal quarrels and concerned to see how and when they will change the mayor's chair or not, but meanwhile the neighbors of Totana suffer a total neglect.

Source: PP Totana

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