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They ask the General Direction of Roads the conditioning and repair of the highway RM-503 Bullas-Aledo, as it passes through the municipal term of Totana, for the improvement of the road safety (21/05/2017)

The Department of Infrastructures of the City of Totana has asked the General Direction of Roads the imminent conditioning and repair of the road RM-503 between Bullas and Aledo, as it passes through the municipality of Totana, to improve road safety, Municipal sources said in a statement.

The councilman of the branch, Víctor Balsas, has reported that numerous complaints have been received from users due to the poor state of conservation of this road, which presents generalized peeling of the road surface of the firm, in some cases resulting in bumps caused by the loss Total of the base layer.

As explained by the mayor, this situation is very annoying and dangerous for the road safety of the numerous users of this road, so the Ministry of Development and Infrastructure has been urged to carry out a generalized action to improve the firm, not Only patching the most damaged areas.

The councilman of the branch already sent this request in hand on May 17 to the General Director of Highways, José Antonio Fernández Llado, coinciding with his visit to Totana to verify the completion of the emergency works carried out on the RM-C7 road, Which links Totana with the hamlet of La Huerta.

Source: Totana.com

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