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The annual shock and disintegration treatment in the sanitation and sewage system begins (20/05/2017)

The Department of Health reports that during the past week have begun the actions included in the comprehensive plan for urban pest control corresponding to the annual shock treatment of disinsection of the sanitation, sewerage and scuppers systems of the municipality of Totana.

The treatment consists of spraying the inside of sewage systems with insecticides in order to reduce the population of cockroaches (Periplaneta americana), as well as the placement of rodent baits.

Once this shock treatment has been completed, which will affect all the records of the urban sewerage system, including industrial estate, Paretón-Cantareros deputation and different urbanizations, it will proceed during the following months to follow the same, affecting those areas where The presence of cockroaches persist or the existence of rodent niches has been verified.

Similarly, baits and traps will be installed for the monitoring and control of the existence of a tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) in our municipality, as well as, if necessary, mosquito treatments.

These actions are part of the Comprehensive Plan for the control of urban pests of Totana that is carried out by the mercantile "Lokímica SA", lessee of this municipal service.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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