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The Department of the Environment and the Association "Pandora's Box" organize environmental activities in La Santa (19/05/2017)

The Department of Environment and the sociocultural association of leisure and leisure "Caja de Pandora" organize next Saturday, June 3, to celebrate World Environment Day (June 5), environmental activities in the area Of La Santa, which are aimed at children from four years and young, in general.

The Councilor for the Environment, Agustín Gonzalo Martínez, and the representatives of this association, Mari Carmen and Chari Sánchez Pascual, presented this initiative with which it is intended, once again, to promote social and pedagogical awareness.

The activities, which are priced at 10 euros including the bus transfer from the side of the municipal park (from 9:30 am to 2:00 p.m.) - include recycling workshops and games at the "Cuatro Chorros" fountain and one Excursion to the Heart of Jesus, as well as an itinerary in the vicinity of La Santa.

Participants will hold a workshop to collect non-biodegradable materials and waste, such as cans, plastics and papers.

Children will also enjoy time for their lunch and informative talks about the importance of environmental conservation and natural environments.

The environmental activities, have the objective of raising awareness among the participants in the respect and care of the environment;

And raise the awareness of children about the importance of recycling at source and the environmental problems that exist in their environment.

In addition, the aim was to promote the education of children by helping them to understand the environment through activities related to landscape, water, air, flora and wildlife in their environment, as well as to promote interest in participation and improvement enviroment.

Likewise, the mayor of Environment thanked the involvement of this entity with the Department and the initiative promoted coinciding with World Environment Day;

And recalled that last year more than fifty children participated in this activity.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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