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The 2nd Fiesta del Mojito will take place on June 2nd and 3rd (19/05/2017)

The Brotherhood Kiss Judas and Jesus Pierced of Totana will organize on June 2 and 3 the IV Mojito Party with a lively program, which has the collaboration of the Council of Festivities of the City of Totana.

Councilor Festejos, Agustín Gonzalo Martínez, the brotherhood president, Quiteria López, and the vocal of this, Pedro Jose Sánchez, presented this festive activity.

The celebration, which has the collaboration of the City of Totana, will take place in the Plaza Hermandad Beso de Judas and will open on Friday June 2 at 9:00 p.m.

At 22:30 hours will be the performance of the musical group "The Tracks".

The next day, June 3, at 7:00 p.m., a mass will be sung in the Plaza Beso de Judas, where the brotherhood itself is based.

Finally, at 22:30 the group "Murphy's Law" will brighten the evening with their music.

The two days of the festivities there will be a beach bar service.

The organizers of the party, members of the brotherhood, thanked the City Council for its invaluable collaboration as well as the "Bar'Tolos" also their involvement in the organization of which is the first party of the calendar of summer celebrations.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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