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Starts the new course "Hygiene and Personal Safety and Home Health Care" (19/05/2017)

The Department of Development and Employment has launched the course "Personal Hygiene and Security and Home Health Care", organized by the State Association of People and Caregivers on May 8 at the Local Development Center of Totana. The Rural Environment "Intergenerational Solidarity".

In the same participate a total of 16 students, has a duration of 60 hours, ends next May 31 and is funded by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, in collaboration with the City of Totana and counting also with the collaboration Of the Coordinator of Organizations of Farmers and Cattlemen (COAG).

The objective of this training action is to give basic and permanent training to non-professional caregivers who care for people in a situation of dependency, providing them with knowledge about dependency, aging and necessary care, as well as the basic skills to possess, giving them a Official diploma at the end of the course.

In short, it is a matter of training both non-professional caregivers of dependent persons, as well as any other person who intends to direct their professional life in this sector, with the aim that at the end of their learning they are prepared to carry out this work.

From the Department of Economic Development and Promotion and Employment have been giving more training on this subject and others.

Shortly, courses will begin on Basic and Qualified Phytosanitary, a course of Cleaning for over 45, a course of Auxiliary Operations for young people up to 29 years and a workshop on June 1 Electronic Commerce of the Autonomous Community (CECARM) .

For more information, you can call 968425003, or go to our service at Calle Huertos Nuevos, 5. Pol. Ind. El Saladar de Totana.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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