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The Campoder Association, to which Totana is attached, presents its rural development strategy for the next 5 years (19/05/2017)

The project has a population of 109,000 inhabitants, belonging to the complete municipalities of Fuente Álamo and Puerto Lumbreras and part of the municipalities of Águilas, Cartagena, Lorca, Mazarrón, Murcia and Totana

The Rural Development Association Campoder celebrated the public presentation of its Participatory Local Development Strategy, entitled "Territorio Campoder: growing together", which took place last Wednesday, May 17, at the Fuente Álamo Agricultural Center, With the participation of a hundred people, including the first deputy mayor of Totana, Andres Garcia, and municipal technicians totaneros.

The opening ceremony of the event was led by the mayor of Fuente Alamo and Campoder President Antonio Jesús García Conesa who, after greeting the audience, emphasized that Campoder acts in an eminently rural territory, "in need of actions aimed at job creation, To economic, social and cultural development and to the improvement of the quality of life of all its inhabitants. "

The president of Campoder stressed that Campoder's new rural development strategy "aims to reconcile multiple interests, join efforts to set common objectives of disparate territories and develop a joint and coordinated work to support the start-up of new microenterprises, boost tourism, Recover and value the rural heritage, raise awareness of and respect for our environment, improve basic services and infrastructures, especially in the smaller population centers, develop the capacities of the actors and agents of the territory through Training and growing on equal opportunities. "

His intervention concluded with a reference to the importance of "cooperation and networking for the exchange of knowledge and experience across territories, the transfer of good practices, the creation of synergies and the optimization of resources."

Next, the Director General of Rural Development and Forestry, Federico García Izquierdo, spoke about the opportunities offered to Murcia by the Rural Development Program of the Region of Murcia in the part financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) In which the strategy of Campoder presented is framed.

The opening ceremony was closed by the Director of the Office of Transparency and Citizen Participation of the Region of Murcia, José David Hernández González, to explain the instruments available to the Region of Murcia to encourage and encourage citizen participation, both in making Of decisions and in the implementation and execution of projects.

Subsequently, three presentations were made.

The first of these was carried out by the coordinator of the EDLP in Campoder, David Forés, from LocalEurope Consulting, to explain the process of shared construction of the strategy and the participatory process that served as the basis.

Campoder's manager, Miguel Buendía Prieto, then spoke to explain the basic lines of the strategy's action plan and its implementation in the territory, supporting actions, eligible expenses and aid limits.

Lastly, the head of the Rural Economy Diversification Service, Fernando Galán Paradela, explained the management model and the Leader aid scheme, which will serve as a basis for the entire process of granting and payment of aid to projects promoted within the framework Of Campoder's strategy.

The day was closed with the possibility that the attendees asked questions and expressed their doubts and opinions regarding the strategy presented.

A strategy that has among its objectives to increase the employment options in the territory;

Improving the competitiveness of microenterprises;

Conserve and protect the territory, promoting the sustainable use of resources;

Putting value into the rural heritage, boosting its tourism;

Improving services and basic infrastructure in the smaller population centers;

And to promote the social dynamization and cooperation among the agents of the territory.

Campoder intends to reach these objectives to a great extent from a triple activity: carrying out programmed projects of formation and promotion of the territory promoted by the own association Campoder, realizing projects of cooperation with other groups of local action and supporting projects of development that the actors of the Territory.

The latter, in turn, is articulated in six lines of action: support for training, job creation and cooperation;

Support for improving the competitiveness and sustainability of microenterprises;

Support for the protection, conservation and awareness of environmental heritage;

Protection of the rural heritage and promotion of the territory;

Promotion of rural tourism;

And investments in services and infrastructure in rural areas.

All the interested parties can know in detail the "Territorio Campoder: growing together" strategy through the website of campoder (www.campoder.es) and social networks, being the next publication and opening of a call to apply for aid, financed by the The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the Rural Development Program managed by the Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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