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This year 2.9 million are allocated to employability programs that will benefit 2,800 people (18/05/2017)

These programs have succeeded in recruiting 35 of their participants, who were vulnerable

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities, Manuel Marcos Sánchez, closed today the courses 'Labor: A step towards employability' and 'Labor 2.0: Juvenile Guarantee', together with the mayors of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, And of Alhama de Murcia, Diego Conesa, and attended the delivery of diplomas.

The Secretary General explained that the Institute Murciano de Acción Social (IMAS) will allocate this year a total of 2,925,000 euros, co-financed 80 per cent by the European Social Fund, the programs of employability and youth guarantee for people at risk exclusion Social or with special difficulties, which will benefit some 2,800 people.

Specifically, in 2016 the IMAS subsidized with 155,909 euros, co-financed by the European Social Fund, the collective for social promotion 'El Candil', its programs in Alhama de Murcia and Totana for labor integration and improvement of the employability of people in Risk of social exclusion and those for young people.

These programs include actions aimed at insertion in the labor market, aimed at promoting personal and occupational habits and skills and overcome difficulties, and include social support throughout the process.

It has also been granted an Assistance for Insertion Programs, to facilitate the recruitment of people who are aware of the Basic Income of Insertion.

The program 'Labor: a step towards employability' has a total of 79,070 euros and 88 students have participated.

Manuel Marcos Sánchez said that "all participants are people belonging to groups in a situation of social vulnerability, with very low levels of employability."

"It is therefore very satisfying to see that we have managed to improve their working conditions, which certainly increases their chances of access to the labor market, and will improve their living conditions, as they have achieved 20 new contracts corresponding to 19 percent Of the participants in the courses, "added the secretary general.

The second cycle, 'Labor 2.0', is aimed at 55 young people between 16 and 29 years old, beneficiaries of the National System of Youth Guarantee, who are in a situation of special vulnerability due to job insecurity or unemployment.

The actions of the program are aimed at achieving decent employment, improving the employability and personal development of the participants.

It also focuses on training in ICTs, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, gender equality, basic skills, self-employment and entrepreneurship, the labor market and personal image.

This program has achieved 15 job insertions, corresponding to 27 percent of the participants.

More than 23 years working for social insertion

The non-profit organization 'El Candil' was founded in 1994 with the aim of promoting the promotion and development of the person in all its facets.

It began its activity in the socio-educational area, mainly with infancy and youth and from 2000 they put in action new actions of socioeducativa intervention with families in all the municipalities.

Currently, its areas of action are child and youth dynamism, care for families, training and employment, and social participation and volunteering.

Source: CARM / Totana.com

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