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"El Candil" assumes the management and dynamization of the premises of the Municipal Citizen Participation Center (18/05/2017)

The City of Totana has transferred the facilities of the Municipal Citizen Participation Center to the Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil" for its management and dynamism, after it has been closed during the last years.

These premises located in the street Menorca, 23 under this locality are a single-storey infrastructure with a useful area of ​​364.36 square meters composed of 10 offices, multipurpose room with capacity for 25 or 30 people, meeting room with capacity For 10 people, room equipped with network connections, reception, waiting room, 4 toilets and file-warehouse.

The first deputy mayor, Andrés García, accompanied by the Councilor for Citizen Participation, Agustín Gonzalo Martínez, signed the collaboration agreement for the assignment, for the moment for a year, of this infrastructure with Ginesa Rubio Ros, president of the Collective for Promotion Social "El Candil".

This entity will promote activities and non-profit programs aimed at different groups (children, youth, family, etc.) in the field of information, training, employment, reconciliation of work and family life, socio-educational intervention, social participation and volunteering.

The Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil" will cover the costs of light and water of the center as well as others (telephone, internet, cleaning products and so on) that the use of the premises are derived.

The Consistory totanero, through the Department of Citizen Participation, has been collaborating with the social fabric of the municipality in the transfer of municipal social infrastructures for the development of non-profit activities that impact on improving the quality of life of neighbors And in the dynamization and improvement of the neighborhoods and districts of the municipality in which they are developed.

For its part, the Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil" since its constitution has been developing actions that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the neighbors of the municipality, as well as to the dynamization of municipal infrastructures as spaces for participation, meeting And neighborhood activity.

Precisely on March 13, this entity submitted a letter to the Town Hall to which initiatives, programs and activities are being carried out by the association, such as programs and non-profit activities that are developed on the basis of The social purposes established in the statutes, these being complementary to the own powers of the local Administration.

It was also noted that, due to the implementation of the programs, the number of people being attended had increased considerably, as well as the number of classrooms for students in training, as well as staff (both voluntary As contracted) involved in the development of all activities.

In this sense, they requested the assignment of the use of the Municipal Citizen Participation Center in order to be able to locate the technical and volunteer staff and the development of programs and activities.

At the end of the signing of the assignment agreement, an open day was held to learn about the dependencies of this infrastructure, which was attended by municipal authorities of the Totana and Alhama corporations, professionals of "El Candil" and users Of different training programs.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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