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The calendar of parties in neighborhoods and districts will be extended from early June to early October 2017 (18/05/2017)

The calendar of parties in districts and districts of Totana during this summer of 2017 will run from the beginning of June until the beginning of October, which will end with the celebrations of San Francisco in the urbanization "El Parral", with a total of 18 celebrations distributed During the weekends of the whole summer.

The Councilor of Festivities, Agustín Gonzalo Martínez, presented the hand program that will be distributed in order to publicize the parties and dates distributed throughout the next summer.

The festivities begin on June 2 and 3 with the traditional party that the Brotherhood of the Kiss of Judas, which will organize in the square that bears his name, which is popularly known as the "Fiesta del Mojito".

The last weekend of June, from the 23rd to the 25th, will start the festivities in neighborhoods, with those of the Olympic-Las Peras-Estación-Triptolemos, to be held in Vasco de Gama Street, next to the building of the School Room.

That same weekend, from 23 to 25 June, will celebrate the festivities of the neighborhood of San Juan in the hamlet of El Paretón.

The first weekend of July, from June 30 to July 2, will be the parties of Lébor;

And the next one, of 7 and 8 of July, those of Viñas Carivete.

In addition, on July 8, the Brotherhood of Veronica will organize its traditional summer party next to the headquarters of the brotherhood.

The month of July includes the parties of Las Lomas de El Paretón, from July 14 to 16;

The urbanization "La Charca" also on July 14 (restaurant-bar of the urbanization) and those of El Raiguero Bajo, from 21 to 23 of the same month.

The month of August will begin with the festivities, from August 4 to 6, at La Costera-Nórica, on the Camino Viejo del Majuelo;

And El Raiguero Alto, on the esplanade of the church of Santo Domingo de Guzmán.

The exhibition center of El Paretón-Cantareros will host from 11 to 16 August the traditional festivals of this hamlet in honor of the Virgin;

And also from 11 to 16 will be those of San Roque in the square of the hermitage of this neighborhood totanero.

The month of August will conclude with the parties of La Paloma in La Calzona, from the 18th to the 20th of this month.

In addition, from 1 to 3 September, will be those of San Jose in the square of the hermitage of said neighborhood;

From 8 to 10 those of La Huerta;

And on the 15th and 17th those of Santa Leocadia.

The calendar of festivities in neighborhoods and districts will conclude the weekend of September 29 to October 1 with those of San Francisco in the neighborhood that receives this name and urbanization "El Parral" and La Ramblica respectively.

The councilman thanked all the neighborhood associations and social groups for their involvement in this calendar of parties that are part of the cultural heritage of Totana, as well as the Local Police and Civil Protection for their involvement to make them reality.

Likewise, the mayor stressed that the contribution of the City continues to be in logistics and infrastructure,

And reiterated his gratitude to the social and associative fabric that organizes these festivities throughout the summer that becomes a claim for neighbors and visitors.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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