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The deadline for nominations for the mayoral election in El Raiguero is extended until June 2 (18/05/2017)

The Department of Citizen Participation has extended until June 2 the deadline for the submission of candidacies for the election of mayor / sa pedáneo / a in El Raiguero.

In addition, residents and residents of the area or owners of second homes registered in the municipality of Totana may be presented as candidates before the opening of the deadline for submitting applications.

In the case of second home owners only one member per family may be present.

The people who wish to appear must do so by request through the Citizen Attention Service of the City of Totana, addressed to the Department of Citizen Participation attaching photocopy of the DNI or legal residence card and in the case of homeowners of second residence housing Of being in possession of it.

Last March, the former pedestrian mayor, Ana María Martínez García, resigned on personal grounds;

And dated April 6, the Local Government Board approved the procedure for the new election and nomination.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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