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The homage party "Enrique Ambit Palacios" will take place on Saturday May 27 at the Municipal Sports Center "December 6" (17/05/2017)

The Department of Sports of the City of Totana and the Club of Soccer of Companies of this locality have promoted the celebration of a posthumous homage to Enrique Ambit Palacios, one of the impellers of the League of Companies, with the dispute of a friendly party Between the teams "Los Pachuchos" - his team - and a selection of the Football League Amateur "Play Clean".

The mayor of Sports, Isabel Maria Molino, and the president of the Soccer Club of Companies, Sergio García, presented this activity that comes to fulfill the agreement of November 2016, in which it was agreed to carry out an initiative of institutional recognition To the figure of Enrique Ambit after his death.

The match will be played on May 27th, starting at 7:00 p.m., in the natural grass field of the Municipal Polideportivo "6 de Diciembre", an infrastructure where historically the great majority of matches of this competition have been developed in the Last years and before having other new football fields in Totana.

Both encouraged all soccer fans to attend this homage to accompany the family "who deserve it" and pay a well-deserved tribute to this person who worked so hard to maintain this competition in this municipality.

Plenary Agreement for a Sportsman

The Councilor for Sports, Isabel María Molino, elevated this motion to the plenary to name the current Football League of Companies of Totana with the name of "Football League of Enterprises Enrique Ambit Palacios."

In addition, it was intended to acknowledge and thank the work done by Enrique Ambit Palacios for the promotion of sports in Totana, specifically for the promotion of corporate football, through the tribute now is going to be taxed, as well as the delivery of a Plaque commemorative to his family.

Trajectory in favor of the local sport

Enrique Ambit Palacios played a predominant role during the political transition in the promotion of the local sport.

He, along with Jose Navarro, created the League of Soccer of Companies for local teams, back in 1982.

Thanks to the commitment that Ambit Palacios put in this local football project, little by little, it was consolidated and becoming essential in sports at the municipal level.

In fact, next to the Totana Olympic are the only sports projects that have continued uninterruptedly.

Enrique Ambit spent a lot of time in his private life to dedicate him to the promotion of sports: he became an organizer, referee and soccer player of companies.

In the beginning he was the one who encouraged participation in this Local Football League, and was in charge of making the inscriptions, calendars, designate referees, reserve facilities, make classifications, etc., all by hand, because then there were no means Today with the help of his friend José Navarro.

Its upholstery, workplace, was a meeting point for corporate football.

From Monday to Saturday, delegates and players would pass by to see ratings placed on the walls, calendars and how not to gossip about what happened in the championship over the weekend.

In fact, his upholstery was the social premises of the Football League of Companies, and he always had words and time for all who visited him.

Those were times of great difficulty for the promotion of the sport, with hardly any facilities or resources.

Only the effort, or the stubbornness of Enrique, and the affection that it put made possible to save the inconveniences.

This loa would not be complete without reference to the patience and ability to dialogue and consensus that he always demonstrated.

He always found the words just and necessary to calm the tense situations between delegates and team players, to persuade the referees when they did not want to continue "whistling", to complain with the utmost respect that the field of poly, Was able or to claim before the authorities of the time an appropriate treatment to the championship of soccer of companies.

In short, it is very likely that today there would not be the "Fair Play" Football Soccer Championship, if in its day, back in the early years of the transition, Enrique Ambit Palacios would not have dedicated his time, effort and patience to make it possible .

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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