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The Autonomous Community re-modifies the calendar of opening to the public of shops on Sundays and public holidays in the Region of Murcia by the year 2017 (17/05/2017)

The Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment has again modified the calendar of opening to the public of shops on Sundays and public holidays in the Region of Murcia for 2017, whose businesses are open to the public from 16 to 14 days in this Year, according to sources from the Department of Commerce.

Autonomous Communities have the power to modify this number in response to their commercial needs, increasing or reducing it, but in no case can be limited to less than ten.

For the fixing of Sundays and public holidays in which the shops can be open to the public, priority is given to the commercial appeal of the days for consumers.

On December 30, 2016, the order was published in the BORM, which determined the calendar of the 16 days of opening to the public of shops on Sundays and public holidays in the Region of Murcia for the year 2017.

Subsequently, on February 16, 2017, the Law of urgent measures for the reactivation of business and employment was published in the BORM, through liberalization and the elimination of bureaucratic burdens.

The aforementioned regulation amended Law 11/2006 on the Retail Trade Regime in the Region of Murcia, which provides that the number of Sundays and public holidays in which businesses may remain open to the public in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia Murcia will be 14 days in the year 2017.

For all the above, it is essential to modify the calendar of opening to the public of shops on Sundays and public holidays in the Region of Murcia for the year 2017, so that the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment now announces that on Sundays and public holidays In which businesses may remain open to the public in the Region of Murcia in the remainder of 2017 will be the following fourteen:

July 2nd.

November 26th.

6, 8, 10, 17, 24 and 31 December.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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