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The urbanization "La Charca" will have a children's play area on a parcel of municipal property (17/05/2017)

The Local Government Board has recently approved the project promoted by the Department of Works and Infrastructures that will build a playground in a municipal plot in the urbanization "La Charca", between Albacete and Badajoz streets of this residential area , With a budget of 21,426.42 euros, according to municipal sources said in a statement.

In the urbanization "La Charca", the City Council of Totana owns some land that was ceded in its day by the mercantile "Hermanos Maestre SL", destined to green zone.

The works will consist of the construction of a recreational area with different children's games.

The Department of Works and Infrastructures has conditioned in this legislature numerous spaces in parks and gardens of Totana, with children's games, which were very deteriorated or in poor condition, such as the "Tierno Galván", the fairground, "Diego Manzano" ;

And has even built new ones such as Triptolemos, among others.

Source: Totana.com

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