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Call for investment in improving and boosting commuter rail transport "to consolidate a decent and quality Public Service" (17/05/2017)

Recently, Adif's intentions to start the construction of the concrete wall of five meters high next to the homes of the affected residents, which will divide the city of Murcia in two, have been made public in order to allow the implementation of the High Speed ​​without contemplating the Burial of the tracks.

We want to show our solidarity with the just struggle of the affected neighbors directly or indirectly and our most firmly to the Proxter Protestant Neighborhood Platform, as we also manifest our absolute rejection to measures like this and we maintain that the arrival of the AVE to Murcia must be made of Compatible with the provision of current services and executing the works with the greatest security and sufficient time, although this means delaying the arrival of High Speed.

"From the Ganar Totana IU Municipal Group, we can not but show our concern at the detriment that is being assumed for the rail services of suburbs that are fundamental and necessary, the commitment of the Central and Regional Government for the High Speed."

The Ministry of Public Works and ADIF are considering the option of cutting the railway line in the stretch between Albatera and Murcia for three or four months, that is to say, to suppress rail traffic both in the vicinity of Murcia and Alicante and long distance in communications Between our region and Barcelona, ​​as well as regional with Valencia, which would require transhipment with buses to arrive or leave Murcia by road.

This measure would prove disastrous for the railroad in our region, since it would mean expelling thousands of commuters daily.

Recall that the nucleus of the Cercanías de Murcia and Alicante is the fourth in number of travelers after Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, has more than 6 million year travelers, of which nearly four million use the Murcia-Alicante section.

We demand that we invest in improving and boosting commuter rail transport, since we do not plan to modernize the lines, which would cause the current suburban service to be disrupted by old diesel engine trains, which are around 30 years of antiguaty.

And we are aware of the discontent among users of the commuter train in Totana, both due to the obsolete state of the trains and the delays that have been taking place on the Murcia-Aguilas line, which have reduced their number of passengers in recent times.

"We must not forget the history of struggle of this town to maintain the Train Station in Totana and despite recently we have been able to recover the Presencial Service that was suppressed, there are many improvements to be made to ensure an essential transport that daily use almost 500 people In our municipality, to achieve the consolidation of a decent and quality Public Service. "

Source: Ganar Totana IU

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