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The regulatory bases of the Academic Excellence Awards in the municipality of Totana corresponding to the 2015/2016 school year are approved (17/05/2017)

The Local Government Board has recently approved the regulatory bases for the Academic Excellence Awards in the municipality of Totana for the 2015/2016 school year, an initiative promoted by the Department of Education to recognize and reward the effort and talent of the best Students of the schools in the levels of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate and Training Cycles.

The excellence of a student is not only beneficial for their individual development but affects the whole educational community and by extension to the whole municipality.

In addition, students who stand out for their effort and ability are an incentive for the advancement of all others.

The prizes will consist of distinguishing the winners in a public and solemn institutional act, with the assistance of the maximum local authorities and representatives of the Educational Community, granting the well-deserved public recognition to their work, talent and effort through the delivery of an accrediting diploma.

The files that aspire to this recognition will be proposed by the centers of the municipality of Totana and that meet the following requirements: to be enrolled in one of the Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Training Cycles of Totana (IES Prado Mayor, IES Juan de la Cierva, CEIPS La Milagrosa, CEIPS Reina Sofía and CEIB Guadalentín) and have obtained in the academic year 2015/2016 an average grade of 8 or higher.

The proposals will be delivered by the educational centers, previously mentioned, in the Department of Education of the City of Totana, duly accredited by the centers (certificate of the school year).

When establishing the list of applications submitted, not only the highest average final grade obtained in the academic year 2015/2016 but also the circumstances in which a brilliant result (family circumstances, economic circumstances, etc.) .

The City Council will appoint a selection committee, which will be in charge of assessing the circumstances in each case, select the best academic records of the municipality and propose to the winners in each modality.

This committee will be composed of the Councilor for Education or person in charge, a representative of each educational center in Totana in which these teachings are taught and a technician from the Department of Education, who will act as secretary.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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