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Day Centers for Disability promote the Gardening Workshop thanks to the collaboration of the local company "Viveros Bermejo" (16/05/2017)

The "José Moyá" Day Center for Psychic Disability and the Mental Illness Day Center of the City of Totana have been developing a gardening workshop within their occupational program thanks to the collaboration of the Department of Gardens.

The Disability Day Centers, which have had the support of both Councilor Parks and Gardens, Víctor Balsas, and the rest of professionals, carry out this workshop in the facilities of the Municipal Nursery.

Currently, an agreement has been reached with those responsible for the Viveros Bermejo totanera company which represents the continuity of this very important workshop and a great impulse to improve the quantity and quality of this occupational program.

These nurseries totaneros with Juan Bermejo at the head, have offered to the Day Centers the selfless donation of plant, pots and peat so that users can continue to develop this activity.

The Councilor for Social Welfare, Javier Baños Tudela, the professionals of the Day Centers for Disability of the City of Totana, users and family, thank the company "Viveros Bermejo" for their generosity and their involvement with disability.

In the coming months, users of the José Moyá Day Center and the Mental Ill Day Center will continue to develop this gardening workshop, which is framed within the occupational program that the centers offer, with important training objectives and Therapeutic.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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