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The Platform against the High Voltage Line requires that socio-environmental criteria be applied in the renewable energy auction (15/05/2017)

The Platform of Affected against the High Voltage Line Lorca-Aledo-Totana publicly demands the Government to take into account socio-environmental criteria among the requirements to participate in the renewable energy auction to be held on May 17, according to sources. The Platform in a statement.

On that date, the Central Government will auction up to 3,000 megawatts of renewable energy, to meet the commitments to reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere and for the production in Spain of renewables reach 20%, a percentage that the European Union requires To our country.

Projects with awards must be completed by 2020.

Given this scenario, the Affected Platform believes that in assessing criteria to participate in the aforementioned auction, it should take into account not only the price and production capacity but also that the projects do not adversely affect the rural environment and the inhabitants Of the environment.

Several companies promoting projects in the Region of Murcia will compete in the auction to get a quota, including the multinational X-Elio, promoter of the solar macroplanta of Zarcilla de Ramos in Lorca.

"This project, in addition to the great impact on the landscape, entails the construction of a high voltage airline that will fly almost all the municipality of Aledo and a large part of Totana , causing significant environmental and social damages and In spite of the favorable conclusions that the different studies and environmental impact statements drafted by the consultants contracted for it, which are favorable to the project because they are carried out on demand because nobody "bites the hand of who It gives him to eat ",", assure from the Platform

For the Platform, which is committed to renewable energies, projects such as the solar macro-plant of Zarcilla de Ramos should never be approved, "since the damage to the environment is very high and the negative socio-environmental impact it would cause would not compensate for other benefits to the environment ".

"It should not be forgotten that many of these projects are for-profit businesses whose only beneficiaries are the companies that promote or sell the energy, and even if they wear" green "the motivations of these multinationals are not environmental or public service In addition, they often have the nerve to exaggerate the figures of the jobs they would create, a trap in which regional and local politicians often fall, as has happened with some deputies or with all the political groups of the City of Lorca, who supported Unanimously this shocking project succumbing to the falsehood that 3,000 jobs will be created, when any expert knows that these highly technical plants do not need almost labor and during the assembly process the personnel must be very specialized.

In front of this macroplan Lorca, the Platform would bet on projects such as the one that intends to develop the company "SOLTEC" in the Industrial Estate "El Saladar" in Totana, which would be located only 500 meters from the point of connection with the electricity grid, Located in the substation of Totana, with an underground link, with the aim of respecting the fauna of the area and eliminating the visual impact, apostillan.

Source: Totana.com

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