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Starts the mixed program of employment and training "Socio-health Care for dependents in social institutions" (15/05/2017)

The mixed program of employment and training "Socio-health Care for dependents in social institutions" was inaugurated today by the municipal authorities in an event held in the Center for Local Development of Totana, and that will enable training in this subject 15 unemployed people .

Following the completion of the relevant selection processes for the recruitment of administrative support staff, teachers and working students of the program, the program officially started the program, which fully finances the Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF).

The mayor, Juan José Cánovas, and the councilors of Economic Development and Human Resources, Antonia Camacho and Gertrudis Ruiz, officially inaugurated this training course, which lasts 12 months under a grant co-financed by the European Social Fund, Public Service of State Employment and the Regional Service of Employment and Training (SEF) of the Region of Murcia.

The participants of the program, which will be developed in the Local Development Center, will obtain a Certificate of Professionalism allowing the employment insertion of unemployed persons aged 25 to 54 years of Totana in the socio-health field.

With this program, the 15 members are expected to acquire the professional skills necessary to care for dependents (seniors, people with physical, psychic, sensory disabilities, among others), applying the strategies designed by the competent interdisciplinary team and procedures to maintain Their personal autonomy and their relationships with the environment.

The action has a duration of one year, with a total of 1,920 hours, of which 370 hours will be theoretical and 1,472 practices.

In addition, 78 hours of additional training are included with training actions on computer literacy, prevention of occupational risks, environmental awareness, social economy and self-employment module, gender equality module and resource module for job search and improvement.

To carry out this program of employment, the Regional Service of Employment and Training (SEF) has awarded the City of Totana a grant of 222,328.35 euros.

During the course of the course, the students will alternate work and training with a full-time contract of 40 hours per week.

Likewise, the student-workers will carry out the practices, with formative and didactic exits and practices in different public centers of this municipality, such as the Day Center for Elderly People "Balsa Vieja", Alzheimer's Day Center, Day Center Of Persons with Intellectual Disability "José Moya", the Day Center for Persons with Mental Illness and the Residence "La Purisima".

At the end of this mixed program of employment and training, students will be able to access jobs such as: Caregiver of persons with disabilities or dependency in institutions, caretaker of physical, mental and sensory handicapped or geroculture.

The municipal authorities have urged the participants, fourteen women and men, to take advantage of this training and work opportunity at a time when, due to the longevity of the age of the people, it is a professional sector that will require professionalization to To provide services to society.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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