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The totanera María Andreo Yllanes participated in the Final Phase of the contest "Retame and I learn", in the category of Bachillerato (15/05/2017)

The Polytechnic University of Cartagena hosted this Friday the Final Phase Final of the contest "Rétame y aprendo", which had the participation of María Andreo Yllanes in the category of Bachillerato.

In this final phase the student of the IES Prado Mayor of Totana , after receiving her accreditation and a T-shirt of the contest, was accompanied by the Director of the Institute, Mª Soledad García, the contest coordinator at the center, Fuensanta Ruiz and her relatives , As they report from the school.

In its first edition, the contest "Rétame y aprendo" (Contest and learn), has involved the participation of 3849 students from 57 educational centers in the Region of Murcia, in two categories, 3 and 4 of ESO and 1 and 2 of Baccalaureate.

After passing a first and second phase of the competition, in which the students competed with each other online, through "UPCTplay", a platform of games applied to teaching, which tested the students' knowledge, passed To the Grand Final the 32 best students (16 by category).

In the face phase it was competed by means of the game 'Push', through Tablets in which the contestants had to mark their answers correctly and faster than their opponents

The finalists competed for technology awards, such as iPhone 7 phones or computers;

Leisure, such as trips to Valencia or tickets to the Roman Theater;

Training courses such as English courses in London and sports courses, such as tickets for material purchases and two shirts signed by Real Madrid staff.

Maria after passing the phase of quarterfinals, happened to semifinals, although it could not happen to the end.

Her participation in the contest was an experience and the teachers of the Institute congratulate her and send her a well-deserved and sincere CONGRATULATION.

Source: Totana.com

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