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The young totaneros Pedro Antonio García Tudela and Pedro Marín Sánchez will present their new study at the III International Congress of Emotional Intelligence (14/05/2017)

The III International Congress of Emotional Intelligence and Well-being (CIIEB) to be held in Zaragoza on 18, 19, 20 and 21 May 2017 will be the meeting point of all the main researches on Emotional Intelligence in various fields (educational , Social, labor, etc.).

In addition, the program has numerous activities, such as: workshops, conferences and round tables related to the main theme.

The turn for these young local researchers will be Saturday May 20 at 18:15 p.m.

They will have a space of time to present their new study titled: "Emotional and Social Intelligence in Primary Education. An analytical-reflexive look over the teaching function" and a later debate with the present public, as explained to Totana.com

The authors of this research point out that to date, there are numerous bibliographical references that revolve around Emotional and Social Intelligence;

Specialized authors;

Teachers and even a significant number of mothers and fathers who have heard about them in recent times.

But are they really working in schools from a holistic, reasoned and regular perspective?

This study is based on the responses of the surveys carried out from a sample of 100 Primary Education teachers (tutors and specialists) from both public and concerted Totana schools to assess the school situation and thus to be able to solve the following questions that have guided the investigation:

Is there a unified conception from the teaching perspective on the concepts of Social and Emotional Intelligence?

Is there a concordance between the way of understanding Emotional and Social Intelligence and its application?

Is the work of the Emotional and Social Intelligence considered an aspect of relevance to the education by the teacher?

Are the schools as a whole aware of the globalized action around education in Emotional and Social Intelligence?

Web of the International Congress of Emotional Intelligence and Well-being (CIIEB): http://www.congresointeligenciaemocional.com/

Source: Totana.com

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