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The students of the Higher Education Training Cycles of the IES "PRADO MAYOR" travel to Italy to carry out their internship in companies (14/05/2017)

The IES Prado Mayor of Totana, for several years, develops a European project within the Erasmus + Program so that some of the best students in Higher Education Training Cycles make part of the Training in Work Centers module in companies in Italy, such as Report from the center in a statement.

Stalin Naim Correa, Darío Javier Álvarez, Aníbal Fabricio Mendoza and Miguel Ángel Campos are four students of the Middle Degree Formation Cycle of "Electrical and Automatic Installations" and Marta Núñez, Sandra Ballester, Alejandro Carrillo, Maria de las Huertas Carbonell and María de la Cruz Merlos are five students of the Middle Degree Formation Cycle of "Hairdressing and Hair Cosmetics" of our center, who last week left for Rimini (Italy) where they will spend 30 days doing internships in companies as beneficiaries of Erasmus + Specific Vocational Training Scholarships .

Students who participate in this mobility program receive a scholarship for accommodation, support and travel to the country of destination.

"From our Center we look for the necessary funding to be able to offer these scholarships to our students of Vocational Training".

Also included in this program are the financing of the travel of teachers accompanying the students on their round trip, supervising the incorporation of the students in their companies in the country of destination and carry out the monitoring and evaluation.

These mobility activities result in improved skills in foreign language and learning, increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, as well as employability.

Students acquire greater intercultural awareness and awareness of the European Project and the values ​​of the EU.

Some of them have not traveled abroad, nor have they ever lived outside the home of their parents, appreciate, in addition to academic training, the vital experience of these practices, which allow them to learn other customs, and also the language.

In fact, the selected students receive an online Italian course, and the very dynamics of work and the relationships they establish in the destination companies allow them to practice the language intensively.

Participation in this program contributes to the integral formation of our students, enriching their way through the Institute with personal experiences, since they include cultural visits to cities in the area, such as Florence, Venice, San Marino, Modena, etc.

"Getting an Erasmus + Scholarship and participating in a European mobility project is an added incentive and is very motivating for students when facing their training," they post from the IES Prado Mayor of Totana .

Source: Totana.com

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