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The City Council has processed four licenses for the possession of potentially dangerous animals so far this year (13/05/2017)

The Department of Animal Protection of the City of Totana has processed so far in 2017 a total of four license files for the possession of potentially dangerous animals, valid for a period of five years, and can be renewed for successive periods of equal duration .

Throughout the year 2016, a total of seven licenses were processed under the regulations regulating tenure and protection of animals, which are granted by the Local Government Board as required.

The holder of this administrative license must submit at the end of each year of validity of the license granted the accreditation of having entered into a civil liability insurance for damages to third parties with a coverage of not less than 120,000 euros, and a photocopy of the health card, The annual compulsory rabies vaccination of the animal.

The animal classified as potentially dangerous, in public places and spaces, must be driven and controlled with a non-extendable chain or strap of less than two meters, with no more than one of these dogs per person to be carried, and must carry a muzzle appropriate for The racial typology of each animal.

In addition, the presence of potentially dangerous animals in public spaces will require the person who conducts and controls that carries the administrative license granted, as well as certification proving the registration of the animal in the Municipal Register of potentially dangerous animals.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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