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The totaneros Bartolomé Sánchez and Gabriel Murcia have traveled to the island of Santa Cruz de la Palma to dispute the Transvulcania Marathon (12/05/2017)

The totaneros Bartolomé Sánchez and Gabriel Murcia have traveled to the island of Santa Cruz de la Palma to dispute the Transvulcania Marathon

With a total distance of 45.0 km and a positive accumulated difference of 1,884 meters and a negative accumulated difference of 3,329 meters, this mode requires a special physical condition, since we must take into account the last part of the route, which descends from A dizzying form from the highest point of the island, Roque de Los Muchachos (2,426 masl) to sea level (Playa del Puerto de Tazacorte), which entails the physical level and previous training of the participants.

A registration of 3800 runners has been achieved in the different modalities coming from different parts of the world.

Source: Totana.com

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