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Municipal authorities offered a reception to the poet and professor of Spanish Literature of the University of Granada, Luis García Montero (12/05/2017)

The poet and professor of Spanish Literature of the University of Granada, Luis García Montero, gave yesterday the talk that took by title "Invitation to the poetry" in the theater of the Center Sociocultural "the Cárcel", that counted on the attendance of numerous public , Among him, many lovers of this literary genre and people committed to their social causes.

The event was organized by the Cultural Center and Worker of Totana, and counted on the collaboration of the Department of Culture of the City of Totana;

An activity that is framed within the "Totana Cultural" program for this two-month period.

Initially, the poet was received in the plenary hall by the municipal authorities, among them, the mayor, Juan José Cánovas, and the Councilor for Culture, Eulalia Moreno, representing the Municipal Corporation.

Source: Totana.com

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