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Totana commemorates the International Day of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue 2017 (12/05/2017)

The Municipality of Totana has once again commemorated the International Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Day on 12 May, with the reading of a manifesto and awareness actions at the mobile information point located in Plaza de la Constitution.

The ASTOFIBROM Association of Totana has installed a Mobile Information Point in the City Hall where citizens have been informed about these diseases that suffer from thousands of people in Spain every day.

Precisely, this year marks the 25th anniversary of the recognition of this pathology by the World Health Organization.

The members, accompanied by the first deputy mayor, Andrés García Cánovas, and Agustín Gonzalo Martínez, Gertrudis Ruiz and Carlos Ballester, have read this commemorative manifesto and have put on sale in the point of information artisan products that allows them Self-financing.

The members of ASTOFIBROM have expressed their satisfaction that in these 25 years it has been possible to single out the disease that is now considered a paradigm of chronic pain and introduce it into the social, professional and political agendas.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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