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Municipal authorities meet with those responsible for the photovoltaic project promoter of Totana (12/05/2017)

Municipal authorities have recently met with those responsible for the photovoltaic project for the Los Alamos Flotas, "Soltec", in order to coordinate and establish the basis for a collaboration agreement with the City of Totana in the field of training To workers and corporate social responsibility.

The mayor, Juan José Cánovas, and councilors from different areas of the City Council have held meetings with officials of the company promoting the photovoltaic installation projected for its location in the fleet of Los Alamos, in order to establish the lines of collaboration and Actions to be taken by the company in the matter of training of workers and other integral aspects of corporate social responsibility.

All this, in the event that the said mercantile finally obtains the rights to carry out the installation in the auction that at national level will take place in the next days.

The meeting established the basis for the company's commitments regarding the training of potential future workers (more than 400, in addition to indirect jobs), which will receive their corresponding diplomas from specialists in assembly technology of solar trackers to an axis .

In addition, the possibility of carrying out work by people with intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses in the day centers of the municipality, on the preference of hiring people with disabilities suitable for work, and on the possibility of collaborating in the Investment and start-up of the Child Care Center (CAI) of the El Saladar industrial estate.

In any case, these commitments would be reflected in the corresponding agreement and that will have as counterpart the bonus of a good part of the municipal taxes that the investment company must face.

In any case it is a company with a serious trajectory in matters of corporate social responsibility and whose maximum in labor matters for its workers is training-training-employment.

This photovoltaic project, if finally won the auction and implanted in Totana, will be a great opportunity for the neighbors in situation of unemployment of the area and a contribution to the local economy.

The site is six kilometers from the urban center of Totana, has a nominal power generated of 79.8 MW, expected production of the equivalent of the consumption of the entire population of Totana and would avoid the emission into the atmosphere of 63,000 tons of CO2 per year .

The mayor stressed that it is not wanted to generate on the part of the local Administration a false expectation before the possible installation of the project because it depends on the auction of renewable energies that will take place next the 17 of May.

The company Soltec, a leader in the manufacture of solar trackers, has asked the City of Totana for a building license for a 91-megawatt power panel photovoltaic plant capable of supplying more than 30,000 homes. Would make it one of the largest in Spain, as reported by the mayor, Juan José Cánovas.

Soltec is an international company specialized in the manufacture, supply and installation of solar trackers to one axis.

With more than 1500 MW in projects worldwide, Soltec has revolutionized solar tracking systems using the most advanced technology and based on the most extensive experience.

The project, which will participate in the renewable energy auction on 17 May, has already completed all administrative procedures and obtained a favorable report from the National Commission on Markets and Competition, explains the mayor.

The company estimates that the construction of the new solar plant, located next to the industrial estate "El Saladar" of Totana, will require more than 500 direct and indirect jobs during the next year.

In addition, it will cover an area equivalent to 145 football fields and will have 267,652 panels that will move synchronously following the course of the sun.

In this way, the plant will generate 20% more electricity than a fixed panel installation.

One of the keys to the project is its location, just 500 meters from the point of connection to the electricity grid, located in the substation of Totana, so that such a link would be made underground, with the aim of respecting the fauna of the Area and eliminating visual impact.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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