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You approve the new rates for the provision of the services of the Municipal Children's Schools of Totana (12/05/2017)

The Local Government Board has recently approved the proposal of the Councilor for Finance, Ana María Cánovas, to modify the fiscal regulation regulating the public price for the provision of the services of the Municipal Infantile Schools.

This initiative has been carried out in view of the need to modify and unify the criteria governing the rates for the provision of these services whose management depends directly or indirectly on the City of Totana.

In addition, the aim is to adapt them to the situation of families, particularly those in special situations, such as large families, multiple births, several brothers in the center, among others, as well as facilitating the reconciliation of work and family.

Thus, initially approved the amendment of the tax ordinance, it would set the registration fee for the first year of access to any municipal school for 50 euros and for families who prove to be numerous will apply a reduction in the enrollment rate of 80% , That is, 10 euros.

In addition, if there are several siblings, a 35% discount will be applied from the second, which would amount to 32.50 euros;

And the attendance fee, for each student and month, in the Municipal Children's School "Clara Campoamor" is 120 euros.

In the case of multiple births, a reduction of 50% in the attendance fee will be applied from the second, ie 60 euros.

In the case of new users that are incorporated as of the second half of the month, the part corresponding to the second fortnight will be settled.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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