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The Local Athletics Phase of School Sport had the participation of 73 students from different schools (11/05/2017)

On Friday, May 5, the Municipal Sports Center "6 de Diciembre" hosted the Local Athletics Phase of School Sports, organized by the Department of Sports, which involved 73 schoolchildren from different schools in the town, belonging to the categories juvenile , Infantile and cadet, in masculine as well as feminine modality.

In this school competition, the participating students had the opportunity to practice different modalities of athletics, such as long jump, weight throw, speed, resistance and relays.

In the fry category, La Milagrosa College got the first place in the masculine modality, while the School San José was the champion in the feminine modality.

In the children's category, the IES Prado Mayor was the champion team, while the Reina Sofía College was in the female mode.

And finally, in the male cadet category, the first place was achieved by the IES Prado Mayor.

The competition concluded with the awarding of trophies and medals to the three best teams in each of the categories, by the Urban Planning Councilor, Carlos Ballester, and the Councilor for Human Resources, Gertrudis Ruíz Tudela.

In addition, the champion team in each category will also be able to participate in the Regional Athletics Final of School Sports, organized by the General Sports Department of the Region of Murcia, on May 19 and 20 in Cartagena.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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