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The rates for the new Public Service of Promotion Activities of the La Bastida Argaric Site for the guided visits are fixed (10/05/2017)

The Local Government Board has recently awarded the new contract for the management of the Public Service of Activities for the Promotion of the La Bastida Archaic Site to the mercantile "Conexión Cultura, SL", with a duration of one year renewable for another year, by a canon Of 3,000 euros.

The standard visit per person is fixed at 3.40 euros and the standard visit for retired / unemployed / large / disabled family amounts to 2.50 euros.

In addition, the standard visit for children over five, both public in general and primary education centers, are 1.25 euros;

And the standard visit for groups of at least 15 people (general public and secondary schools and universities) amounts to 2.50 euros.

Similarly, the visit staged by persons is 5 euros, the theatrical visit for retired / unemployed / large / disabled family amounts to 3 euros and for children is 2.15 euros;

While the workshops and activities of the schools will be 7.50 euros per school.

Knowledge of the site

The visits will be addressed to any individual as well as to different groups and groups that are interested in knowing the site.

These will have a maximum duration of two hours and all will be made by appointment and registration at the Tourist Office.

The number of people per group can not exceed 30, and can exceed this number if a group expressly requests it reaching 50 and the maximum number of people to visit the park per day of 275.

The tour will be the town and places of interest of the site, there are different types, such as the general public, educational centers, theater visits and workshops.

The visits to the deposit are established in a regulated manner every Saturday and Sunday in two shifts.

Visits to the general public are in winter (from 1 October to 31 May), from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and in summer (from June 1 to September 30), from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and from 19 : 00 to 21:00 hours / 18:00 to 20:00 hours.

The schools in the school period are from 9:15 to 13:30 hours.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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